In the midst of the Enhanced Community Quarantine, ABS-CBN launched their fundraising campaign named “Pantawid ng Pag-Ibig” last March 19 to help Kapamilyas get through this trying time. The drive aims to support Local Government efforts in providing basic necessities to low-income families who are not able to source livelihoods due to the lockdown.
Photo source: ABS-CBN News
First Philec, as a member of the Lopez Group to which ABS-CBN also belongs, is donating P1 million to the initiative. Employees of First Philec embodied bayanihan and malasakit, as almost half of this donation is coming from the employees themselves, with a total of P442,452. This amount was raised either through cash donation or leave conversion from the employees. It was a touching and heart-felt gesture by the company personnel, especially as some of them still contributed despite currently going through personal and financial hardships. The Management of First Philec added to the contributions of its workers to complete a P1 million pledge to Pantawid ng Pag-Ibig.
To this day, First Philec continues its efforts to help out partner hospitals by distributing personal protective equipment, all while ensuring its employees’ needs are covered.
For any questions or inquiries regarding possible donations, please contact +639175874027.